Recent survey suggests that India Inc is currently going through a tremendous change in financial reporting. With the introduction of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), basic structure of financial statements have changed and several new concepts have been introduced. Therefore it is of utmost importance for professionals to be well versed in Ind AS. Our specially designed courses developed after a rigorous full-time research for more than a decade backed by a dedicated R&D team with over 20 years of industry experience will enable you to bridge this ‘GAAP’ and gain a competitive advantage in the work place.

Our training courses are aimed at providing a comprehensive insight on the fundamentals of Ind AS. Keeping in mind the exhaustive literature, complexities and ever changing amendments, we have configured our training curriculum in a way that enables participants to apply Ind AS in real-life situations through worked examples, case studies and correlation between theory and practice. Our programmes help to equip finance professionals with necessary skills to interpret, implement and prepare Ind AS compliant financial statements through practical numerical examples and lucid illustrations. Ind AS is the need of the hour and this is where our unique pedagogy fits in.

Ind AS for Professionals

This intensive training session is aimed at providing in-depth coverage on the fundamentals of Ind AS. It is particularly designed for accounting and finance executives who are involved in the preparation, presentation, implementation and analysis of financial statements in accordance with Ind AS. It is also ideal for professionals who need to acquire a more detailed understanding of Ind AS. With a rigorous full-time research of more than 14 years, this programme is structured in a way to equip participants to understand and apply Ind AS in industry-specific scenarios through lucid illustrations, case studies, and numerical worked examples. Key accounting requirements and important technical issues are also discussed in detail. Ind AS has become the new language of financial reporting and therefore gaining a thorough understanding and practical application of the standards is a must-have for today’s professionals.

Course Highlights

  • It is a 70 hours ‘Live’ Online Training spread over 1 month
  • Standards will be explained with numerical examples and lucid illustrations
  • Highly technical session conducted by leading faculty
  • Journal entries, paragraph references and effect on financial statements will be demonstrated in detail
  • Extensive deliberations on Big 3 standards ie. Ind AS 115 – Revenue, Ind AS 116 – Leases and Ind AS 109 – Financial Instruments
  • Analysis of Ind AS compliant financial statements
  • Clarification of queries and consultation is also offered via email, phone call or video chat
  • Soft copy of training materials will be sent which includes session presentations, worked examples and case studies

Standards covered

1. Conceptual Framework
2. Fair Value Measurement (Ind AS 113)
3. Income Taxes (Ind AS 12)
4. Presentation of Financial Statements (Ind AS 1)
5. Earnings per Share (Ind AS 33)
6. Statement of Cash Flows (Ind AS 7)
7. Inventories (Ind AS 2)
8. Accounting Policies (Ind AS 8)
9. Events after the Reporting Period (Ind AS 10)
10. Property, Plant and Equipment (Ind AS 16)
11. Impairment of Assets (Ind AS 36)
12. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets (Ind AS 37)
13. Intangible Assets (Ind AS 38)
14. Government Grant (Ind AS 20)
15. Borrowing Costs (Ind AS 23)
16. Non-Current Assets Held for Sale (Ind AS 105)
17. Operating Segments (Ind AS 108)
18. Related Party Disclosures (Ind AS 24)
19. Agriculture (Ind AS 41)
20. Mineral Resources (Ind AS 106)
21. Interim Financial Reporting (Ind AS 34)
22. Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Ind AS 115)
23. Employee Benefits (Ind AS 19)
24. Foreign Exchange (Ind AS 21)
25. Share-based payment (Ind AS 102)
26. Investment Property (Ind AS 40)
27. Leases (Ind AS 116)
28. Consolidation and Equity Method of Accounting (Ind AS 27, 28, 103, 110, 111 and 112)
29. Financial Instruments (Ind AS 32, Ind AS 107 and Ind AS 109)

Learning objective

On completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Understand and interpret the information in financial statements under Ind AS
  • Implement Ind AS recognition and measurement rules for assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses
  • Prepare and report Ind AS compliant financial statements including group accunts
  • Identify various disclosure requirements for companies relating to the presentation of financial statements and notes
  • Analyse key accounting issues and practical considerations relating to Ind AS implementation
  • Learn how to apply the requirements of Big 3 standards on Revenue Recognition (Ind AS 115), Leases (Ind AS 116) and Financial Instruments (Ind AS 109)
  • Grasp new aspects related to consolidated financial statements including subsidiaries, associates and joint arrangements
  • Explore application of Ind AS for several accounting areas, convergence efforts and tax implications.
  • Gain advanced skills in financial reporting by applying the Framework, new accounting concepts and theories to practical situations

Who should attend

  • Chartered Accountants
  • Auditors
  • Finance Managers
  • Financial Controllers
  • CFOs
  • Directors – Finance
  • General Manager – Finance
  • Practicing CS, CMA, CPA, CWA
  • Heads of Accounting and Finance
  • Private equity and M&A specialists
  • Financial Reporting Head
  • Corporate Accounts – Team Members
  • Finance and Accounting – Team Members
  • IT Systems Managers
  • Financial Analysts
  • Portfolio Managers
  • Securities Analysts
  • Credit / Investment Analysts
  • Tax professionals
  • Treasurers
  • Banking professionals
  • Consultants
  • Assurance professionals
  • Commerce graduates
  • Professors


Our Founder Dr. Amitabha Mukherjee is an Ind AS/IFRS trainer, international consultant, and an author of eminent respect. He has been into full-time research for the last 14 years before he founded which is an online Ind AS education platform. He has trained numerous financial professionals and assisted companies in their Ind AS/IFRS transition both in India and abroad. He is also the first author in India to write a book on Ind AS converged with IFRS. Before this, he was an academician and an author for over three decades.

Teaching method

  • All standards shall be explained with numerical examples, case studies and lucid illustrations
  • Greater emphasis will be laid upon practical scenarios pertinent to different industries
  • Deferred tax effects (tax implications) will also be shown
  • Use of real-world examples to illustrate practical application of the standards
  • Analysis of Ind AS compliant Financial Statements

Schedule and Fees

Option 1 (Weekday Batch)

Start:  17 February, 2025

Time:  Monday – Friday (6.30 P.M. to 9.30 PM)

End:    21 March, 2025

Option 2 (Weekend Batch)

Start: 15 February, 2025

Time:  Saturday and Sunday  (10.00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M.)

End:   16 March, 2025

Fees: INR 15,000 * (All inclusive)

* Group discount available for more than 1 nomination


All participants should have –

  • Understanding of basic accounting principles based on any national standards.
  • Participants must be able to demonstrate adequate knowledge of English to undertake this course.
  • Access to computer with a reliable internet connection.

Course information

  • Type– ‘Live’ online training programme with 2-way communication. No pre-recorded video.
  • Program level– Intermediate
  • Background– Accounting and Finance
  • Preparation– No advance preparation is required
  • Participants – Numbers are limited to 15 to encourage sharing of views, discussion and case study participation.


1. Registration is strictly on a first come first serve basis.
2. For registration, you can either send an email on or SMS/Whatsapp on +91 99033 90576 with your name, designation, location, contact number and email ID.
3. Payment can be made by online “wire” transfer. We also accept cash/cheque/DD.
4. After registration, we will provide you with our banking details and training schedule. Once payment is completed, you will receive your learner ID, course materials and other relevant information within 48 hours.

In-house Programmes

Corporates can customise this Ind AS training to suit their specific requirements and interests by combining any of the standards in an effective and time saving manner. We will develop a tailored training programme that incorporates topics ranging from basic standards to more advanced and industry-specific standards covering aspects most relevant to your business. For more information, please contact us on +91 99033 90576 or email us on

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Detailed brochure with programme overview and course structure.
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Ind AS 115 MasterClass

Ind AS 115 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers is not just an ‘accounting’ change but which will have a substantial impact on revenue recognition for almost all companies. Revenue being a critical metric for financial users, this Standard requires a different way of reporting revenue that could impact both the amount and timing of its recognition. It may cause revenue to be recognised earlier in some cases, but later in others compared to previous accounting guidance. The new 5-step model, clearer guidance on segmenting contracts, multiple element arrangements, contract costs, significant financing component and other new concepts are some of the areas that have transformed the whole landscape of how revenue is reflected in corporate accounts. Since this changes how revenue is recognised by disconnecting from cash flows, some key metrics may also be affected. Ind AS 115 also includes an exhaustive set of disclosure requirements that will result in an entity providing users of financial statements with extensive information about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from the entity’s contract with customers.


This comprehensive full-day Ind AS 115 MasterClass will provide a high-level understanding of the accounting and reporting requirements of revenue standard. It combines both theoretical and practical knowledge with ‘real-life’ case studies and numerical examples into all aspects of the revenue recognition process under Ind AS 115 so that you can relate to the principles at work. It also addresses significant challenges and application issues arising from actual implementation and covers areas involving critical judgements and estimates related to the key drivers of revenue measurement, recognition and reporting. This 1 Day session is your Ultimate Guide in grasping this complex standard in detail and applying in practice.

Programme Highlights

1. Full-Day Live Online Training Session held in the weekend for professionals
2. Detailed and thorough deliberation covering all revenue-related topics
3. Illustration of technical accounting concepts through use of ‘real-life’ case studies and numerical examples to help highlight key points and practical implications
4. Journal entries, paragraph references and effect on financial statements will be demonstrated specifically
5. Clarification of queries and consultation is offered via digital communication
6. Soft copy of training materials will be sent which includes session presentations, worked examples and case laws
7. Cost-effective and convenient for working accounting and finance executives

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the current accounting and reporting changes for revenue recognition
  • Apply accurately the new 5-step model to different scenarios
  • Evaluate whether there is a significant financing component
  • Realise the implication of time value of money
  • Learn how and when revenue is to be recognised and other forms of income
  • Draft accounting policies as per Ind AS 115 and related footnote disclosures
  • Plan how to implement transitional arrangements and adoption options
  • Address common issues faced by majority of companies in applying this Standard
  • Implement this Standard in practice while preparing and reporting under Ind AS

Who should attend

  • Chartered Accountants
  • Auditors
  • CFOs
  • GM – Finance
  • Finance Managers
  • Financial Controllers
  • Financial Reporting Heads
  • Corporate Accounts Team
  • Assurance Professionals
  • Practicing CMA, CS, CPA
  • Tax Professionals
  • Banking Professionals
  • Financial Analysts
  • M&A Specialists
  • Finance Directors
  • IT systems Mangers
  • Consultants
  • Treasurers
  • Heads of Accounting
  • Private Equity

It is relevant to all preparers of financial statements and professionals from Indian firms with a global presence. It is also suitable for all accounting and finance professionals seeking to obtain in-depth understanding of Ind AS 115 whether working in practice or industry.


Dr. Amitabha Mukherjee is an Ind AS/IFRS trainer, international consultant, and an author of eminent respect. He has been into full-time research for the last 14 years before he founded which is an online Ind AS education platform. He has trained numerous financial professionals and assisted companies in their Ind AS/IFRS transition both in India and abroad. He is also the first author in India to write a book on Ind AS converged with IFRS. Before this, he was an academician and an author for over three decades.

Teaching Method

  • Group ‘Live’ Online Session through a combination of direct instruction, exercises and interactive participation
  • Explanation of major Ind AS 115 technical requirements in a clear and concise format through simple illustrations
  • Deferred tax effects (tax implications) will also be shown
  • Greater emphasis will be laid upon practical scenarios pertinent to different industries
  • Extensive use is made of case studies and real-world examples to help correlate between theory and practice
  • All participants will receive comprehensive electronic course materials, including presentation slides and handouts including numerical worked examples and case laws

Schedule and Fees

Date: 2 March, 2025, Sunday
Time: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Fees: INR 1,500 (all inclusive)

Course Information

Type: ‘Live’ online training with 2-way communication – participants can ask questions on real time basis. No pre-recorded video.
Programme Level: Intermediate
Background: Accounting and Finance
Preparation: Understanding of basic accounting principles based on any national standards. No advance preparation is required.
Participants: Numbers are limited to 15 to encourage sharing of views, discussion and case study participation


All participants should have –

  • A basic accounting knowledge is a must. Previous Ind AS experience is advantageous, but not required.
  • Participants must be able to demonstrate adequate knowledge of English to undertake this course.
  • Access to computer with a reliable internet connection.


1. Registration is strictly on a first come first serve basis.
2. For registration, you can either send an email on or SMS/Whatsapp on +91 99033 90576 with your name, designation, location, contact number and email ID.
3. Payment can be made by online “wire” transfer. We also accept cash/cheque/DD.
4. After registration, we will provide you with our banking details and training schedule. Once the payment is completed, you will receive your learner ID, course materials and other relevant information within 48 hours

In-house Programme

Do you have more people interested in attending this course? Do you want to tailor it to meet your company’s exact requirements? If you’d like to do either of these, we can bring this course to your company’s office. If you want to run this course at a location convenient to you or if you want a completely customised learning solution, please contact us on +91 99033 90576 or email us on

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Detailed brochure of Ind AS 115 Master Class with programme overview and course structure.
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Ind AS 116 MasterClass

Ind AS 116 – Leases is the most significant change to lease accounting in over 30 years. One of the main reasons of introducing this Standard was to avoid “Off Balance Sheet Financing” which its predecessor Ind AS 17 was unable to block. Ind AS 116 takes a totally new approach to accounting for leases, called the ‘right-of-use’ model. This means that if a company has control over, or right to use, an asset they are renting, it is classified as a lease for accounting purposes and, under the new rules, must be recognised on the company’s balance sheet.

Since its introduction, this standard has affected most companies reporting under Ind AS and will have a major impact on the financial statements of lessees of property and high-value equipment. Virtually every company uses rentals or leasing as a means to obtain access to assets and will therefore be influenced by Ind AS 116. As with other changes to accounting standards, companies will also need to produce a set of comparative accounts for the prior year. This will increase comparability, but may also affect covenants, credit ratings, borrowing costs, and your stakeholders’ perception of you.


This in-depth full day Ind AS 116 MasterClass will give you the comprehensive training, knowledge and skills necessary in today’s global business environment. The course will cover all the key requirements of the Standard from the scope, accounting treatments, and disclosures, and will look at the specific issues that arise on transition and implementation. It also aims to provide a robust guidance on identification, recognition, measurement, presentation and reporting needs of lease accounting. This live session addresses both the lessee and lessor accounting models, assisted by real-life examples and helpful illustrations to ensure you completely understand and apply Ind AS 116.

Programme Highlights

  1. Full-Day Live Online Training Session held in the weekend for professionals
  2. Detailed and thorough deliberation covering all lease related aspects
  3. Illustration of technical accounting concepts through use of ‘real-life’ case studies and numerical examples to help highlight key points and practical implications
  4. Journal entries, paragraph references and effect on financial statements will be demonstrated specifically
  5. Clarification of queries and consultation is offered via digital communication
  6. Get accounting guidance on the latest amendment relating to lease liability in a sale and leaseback transactions
  7. Soft copy of training materials will be sent which includes session presentations, worked examples and case law
  8. Cost-effective and convenient for working accounting and finance executives

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the nature, economic substance, and advantages of lease transactions
  • Determine whether an arrangement is (or contains) a lease
  • Recognition and measurement of a lease liability and right-of-use asset
  • Calculate present value of lease payments, implicit rate of interest in the lease
  • How to determine short-term and low value leases
  • Distinguish and classify leases as either operating or finance leases
  • Knowing when to re-measure the lease liability and which discount rate to apply
  • Identify and separate lease and non-lease components of a contract
  • Recognise lease modifications, sublease and the related accounting treatment
  • Compute variable lease payments, guaranteed and unguaranteed residual value
  • Conduct sale-and-leaseback transaction accounting covering the latest amendment
  • Illustration of presentation and disclosure requirements
  • Understand from both lessor and lessee accounting perspective
  • Gain thorough knowledge and learn how to apply Ind AS 116 in practice


Dr. Amitabha Mukherjee is an Ind AS/IFRS trainer, international consultant and an author of eminent respect. He has been into full-time research for the last 14 years before he founded which is an online Ind AS education platform. He has trained numerous financial professionals and assisted companies in their Ind AS/IFRS transition both in India and abroad. He is also the first author in India to write a book on Ind AS converged with IFRS. Before this, he was an academician and an author for over three decades.

Course Information

Field of study: Accounting
Programme level: Intermediate
Duration: 7 hours
Format: Online Course


  • Knowledge of basic accounting and financial reporting
  • Understanding of Ind AS 17 is a plus but not a prerequisite
  • Access to a computer with a reliable internet connection

Teaching Method

  • Group live instruction by leading faculty
  • Detailed explanation of all Ind AS 116 topics in clear and simple language
  • Use of case studies and real-world examples to illustrate practical application of the standards
  • Interactive participation is encouraged
  • All participants receive a comprehensive binder containing copies of the presentation slides, handouts and other course materials


1. Registration is strictly on a first come first serve basis.
2. You can either SMS/Whatsapp on +91 99033 90576 or send an email on with your ‘Full Name’, ‘Course Name’, ‘Location’ and ‘Contact Details’
3. Payment can be made by online “wire” transfer. We also accept cash/cheque/DD.
4. After registration, we will provide you with our banking details and training schedule. Once the payment is completed, you will receive your learner ID, course materials and other relevant information within 48 hours.

Schedule and Fees

Date:   9 March, 2025
Day:    Sunday
Time:  10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Fees:   INR 1,500 (all inclusive)

Custom Programmes

Corporates can customise this Ind AS MasterClass Series to suit their specific requirements and interests by combining any of the standards in an effective and time saving manner. We will develop a tailored training programme that incorporates topics ranging from basic standards to more advanced and industry-specific standards covering aspects most relevant to your business. For more information, please contact us on +91 99033 90576 or email us on

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Detailed brochure of Ind AS 116 Master Class with programme overview and course structure.
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Financial Instruments MasterClass

Ind AS 109 based on International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (“IFRS 9”) is the accounting standard replacing IAS 39 that defines the classification, measurements and impairment of financial instruments. It is designed to make annual reports more meaningful to investors as well as simplify how auditors implement the rules and introduce safeguards to limit credit losses. This standard also made significant changes by introducing a logical, single classification and measurement approach for financial assets that reflects the business in which they are managed and their cash flow characteristics.

Impairment of financial assets is built on a forward-looking expected credit loss model instead of the existing ‘incurred model’. The new impairment model will result in more timely recognition of loan losses and is a single model that is applicable to all financial instruments subject to impairment provision. The new Standards also improved the hedge accounting model to better link the economics of risk management with its accounting treatment.


Financial Instruments is a concept that even seasoned professionals still face issues mastering. The program covers all aspects including measurement principles, key definitions, derecognition, derivatives, hedge accounting, impairment of financial assets and other areas. There are multiple case studies and scenarios covering detailed insight of various aspects of Financial Instruments covered in a simplified manner. This course is aimed at equipping the participants with the knowledge and skills to understand Ind AS 109 and how to adopt the new international accounting practices in financial reporting. In addition, it addresses the requirements of Ind AS 32, covers the disclosures in Ind AS 107, and the principles of fair value measurement in Ind AS 113.

This course provides an in-depth explanation, application methodology, and strategy for implementing Ind AS 109 on financial instruments, including hedge accounting and the treatment for expected credit loss. Delegates will focus on implementation issues and challenges and discuss case studies on practical application of the standards.

Programme Highlights

1. Full-Day Live Online Training Session held in the weekend for professionals
2. Detailed and thorough deliberation covering all financial instruments related aspects
3. Illustration of technical accounting concepts through use of ‘real-life’ case studies and numerical examples to help highlight key points and practical implications
4. Journal entries, paragraph references, and effect on financial statements will be demonstrated specifically
5. Clarification of queries and consultation is offered via digital communication
6. Soft copy of training materials will be sent which includes session presentations, worked examples, and case laws
7. Cost-effective and convenient for working accounting and finance executives

Teaching Method

  • ‘Online Live’ instruction in a workshop format with 2-way communication. No prerecorded videos
  • Use of PowerPoint presentations with demonstrated examples
  • Case studies and numerical examples for participants to work through in the course
  • Deferred tax effects (tax implications) will also be shown
  • Greater emphasis will be laid upon practical scenarios pertinent to different industries
  • Electronic copies of exercise and case study solutions will be available to participants

Learning Objectives

  • Define and identify types of financial instruments
  • Analyse financial instruments to differentiate between liabilities, equity, or a combination of both
  • Understand the classification and measurement methodology for financial assets and financial liabilities
  • Treatment of Loan Notes, Bank Loans and equity instruments
  • Evaluate the principles of fair value measurement in Ind AS 113
  • Learn different measurement methods such as amortised cost, fair value through profit and loss and fair value through other comprehensive income
  • Compute the effective interest rate and apply the effective interest method for measurement of financial instruments at amortised cost
  • Impairment of financial assets
  • Comprehend the expected credit loss model and how to implement it in your organisation
  • Determine the accounting for derivatives and embedded derivatives
  • Apply the derecognition principles to financial assets and financial liabilities
  • Hedge accounting differences in terms of scope, conditions, accounting, practical examples of hedge effectiveness testing
  • Account for financial instruments in compliance with Ind AS
  • Interpret financial statements which contain financial instruments and their impacts

Who Should Attend

  • Accountants
  • Financial Controllers
  • CFO
  • Finance Directors
  • Staff in Finance, Treasury, Operation, Risk, management, IT or compliance departments
  • Financial reporting executives
  • Treasurer
  • Budget officers/forecasting specialists
  • Auditors
  • Merchant/investment/corporate bankers
  • Tax directors/Managers
  • Internal and external auditors
  • Regulatory staff
  • Analysts
  • Investment managers


Dr. Amitabha Mukherjee is an Ind AS/IFRS trainer, international consultant, and an author of eminent respect. He has been into full-time research for the last 14 years before he founded which is an online Ind AS education platform. He has trained numerous financial professionals and assisted companies in their Ind AS/IFRS transition both in India and abroad. He is also the first author in India to write a book on Ind AS converged with IFRS. Before this, he was an academician and an author for over three decades.


1. Registration is strictly on a first come first serve basis.
2. For registration, you have 2 options:
a) You can either SMS/Whatsapp on +91 99033 90576 with your ‘Full Name’, ‘Course Name’, ‘Location’ and ‘Email ID’ or
b) Send an email on with your ‘Full Name’, ‘Course Name’, ‘Designation’ and ‘Contact number’.
3. Payment can be made by online “wire” transfer. We also accept cash/cheque/DD.
4. After registration, we will provide you with our banking details and training schedule. Once the payment is completed, you will receive your learner ID, course materials and other relevant information within 48 hours.


  • A basic accounting knowledge is a must. Previous Ind AS experience is advantageous, but not required.
  • Participants must be able to demonstrate adequate knowledge of English to undertake this course.
  • Access to computer with a reliable internet connection.

Schedule and Fees

Date: 16 March, 2025

Day:   Sunday

Time: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Fees: INR 2,000 (All inclusive)

In-house Programme

Do you have more people interested in attending this course? Do you want to tailor it to meet your company’s exact requirements? If you’d like to do either of these, we can bring this course to your company’s office. If you want to run this course at a location convenient to you or if you want a completely customised learning solution, please contact us on +91 99033 90576 or email us on

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Detailed brochure of Financial Instruments Master Class with programme overview and course structure.
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Ind AS Basics

This in-depth knowledge sharing session will provide a comprehensive overview of the key principles and reporting requirements under Ind AS. It is specifically developed for those who want to get a strong foundation in their Ind AS transition journey or looking to enhance their existing knowledge. This programme goes beyond theoretical concepts as each training module is developed and instructed by subject matter expert with hands on training and implementation experience. This 10-day Training Course will enable participants to gain a practical knowledge on Ind AS which will be explained through lucid illustrations, live cases, discussion of major technical issues, worked examples and much more.

Programme Highlights

  • It is a 20 hours Online ‘Live’ Training Session spread over 2 weeks
  • Coverage of important and significant Ind ASs which are applicable to most industries
  • The Standards shall be explained with numerical examples along with paragraph references
  • Since the Standards are interactive, they shall be dealt in an integrated manner
  • Gain necessary skills to prepare Ind AS compliant financial statements
  • Clarification of queries and consultation is also offered after course concludes
  • Use of case studies and real-world examples to illustrate practical application of the Standards
  • Cost-effective and convenient for working accounting and finance professionals

Standards Covered

1. Conceptual Framework
2. Fair Value Measurement (Ind AS 113)
3. Income Taxes (Ind AS 12)
4. Presentation of Financial Statements (Ind AS 1)
5. Earnings per Share (Ind AS 33)
6. Statement of Cash Flows (Ind AS 7)
7. Inventories (Ind AS 2)
8. Events after the Reporting Period (Ind AS 10)
9. Accounting Policies (Ind AS 8)
10. Property, Plant and Equipment (Ind AS 16)
11. Impairment of Assets (Ind AS 36)
12. Intangible Assets (Ind AS 38)
13. Provisions and Contingencies (Ind AS 37)
14. Investment Property (Ind AS 40)
15. Foreign Exchange (Ind AS 21)
16. Revenue (Ind AS 115)
17. Leases (Ind AS 116)
18. Financial Instruments (Ind AS 109)

Who Should Attend

  • Qualified Chartered Accountants
  • Professionals working in finance and accounts
  • Management Accountants
  • CA students, MBA (Finance) and Graduates

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the underlying concepts and principles of Ind AS
  • Understand and identify Ind AS requirements, including accounting policies and disclosures
  • Apply relevant accounting standards to key elements of financial reports
  • Explore application of Ind AS for several accounting areas, convergence efforts and tax implications
  • Interpret financial statements with better understanding and with improved insight
  • Gain working knowledge on Ind AS and enhance proficiency in financial reporting domain
  • Broaden your understanding of Ind AS and what it means for your organisation

Course Information

Type – Live
Program level — Basic
Background — Accounting and Finance
Advance preparation — None


All participants should have —

  • Understanding of basic accounting principles based on any national standards. Educational or vocational background in financial reporting is recommended.
  • Reasonable command over English Language. Participants must be able to demonstrate adequate knowledge of English to undertake this course.
  • Access to computer with reliable internet connection.


Dr. Amitabha Mukherjee is an Ind AS/IFRS trainer, international consultant, and an author of eminent respect. He has been into full-time research for the last 14 years before he founded which is an online Ind AS education platform. He has trained numerous financial professionals and assisted companies in their Ind AS/IFRS transition both in India and abroad. He is also the first author in India to write a book on Ind AS converged with IFRS. Before this, he was an academician and an author for over three decades.

Teaching Method

  • Group ‘Live’ Online Session through a combination of direct instruction, exercises and interactive participation
  • All standards shall be explained with numerical examples, cases and lucid illustrations
  • Greater emphasis will be laid upon practical scenarios pertinent to different industries
  • Explanation of major Ind AS technical requirements in a clear and concise format
  • Deferred tax effects (tax implications) will also be shown
  • Extensive use of case studies and real-world examples to highlight key points and practical application of the Standards

Schedule and Fees

Start: 10 March, 2025
Time: Monday – Friday  (7.30 P.M. to 9.30 PM)
End:  21 March, 2025
Total: 10 days (2 weeks)

Fees: INR 5,000 (All inclusive)


1. Registration is strictly on a first come first serve basis.
2. For registration, you can either send an email on or SMS/Whatsapp on +91 99033 90576 with your name, designation, location, contact number and email ID.
3. Payment can be made by online “wire” transfer. We also accept cash/cheque/DD.
4. After registration, we will provide you with our banking details and training schedule. Once the payment is completed, you will receive your learner ID, course materials and other relevant information within 48 hours.

Custom Programmes

Corporates can customise this Ind AS training to suit their specific requirements and interests by combining any of the standards in an effective and time saving manner. We will develop a tailored training programme that incorporates topics ranging from basic standards to more advanced and industry-specific standards covering aspects most relevant to your business. For more information, kindly contact us at +91 99033 90576 or mail us on

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Detailed brochure of Ind AS Basics with programme overview and course structure.
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ACCA Diploma in IFRS

In this era of globalisation, IFRS has come a long way to become the de facto global language for financial reporting. Recent survey by the IFRS Foundation suggest that over 140 countries require or permit the use of IFRS including major economies such as Canada, Russia, South Africa and India has issued its own IFRS equivalent Ind AS. Therefore, gaining a deep understanding and practical application of the standards is a must have for today’s’ finance professionals. The ACCA Diploma in IFRS will help you develop a working knowledge of IFRS, how to apply them as well as the key concepts and principles that underpin them.

About the course

The ACCA Diploma in IFRS is an international qualification in IFRS developed by the leading professional accounting organisation, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). IFRS has become the new global accounting and finance language. With the introduction of IFRS based Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), there has been a tremendous shift in financial reporting. Basic structure of financial statements have changed and several new concepts have been introduced. Therefore it is of utmost importance for finance professionals to be well versed in IFRS. This Diploma is a key qualification for all accounting and finance professionals who want to upgrade their career by broadening their knowledge of both the technical and practical aspects of IFRS and hold an internationally recognised certificate.


On completion of the Diploma, participants should be able to:

  • understand and explain the structure of the framework of IFRS
  • apply relevant financial reporting standards to key elements of financial reports
  • identify and apply disclosure requirements for companies relating to the presentation of financial reports and notes
  • prepare and report entity and group financial statements (excluding group cash flow statements) including subsidiaries, associates and joint arrangements


The DipIFR is assessed by a single written exam. This is held twice a year – in June and December at ACCA’s exam centres. They have over 380 exam centres around the world. The pass mark is 50%. The exam last 3 hours 15 minutes and is made up of four 25-mark compulsory questions requiring both numerical and narrative answers. It contains a mix of computational and discursive elements. Some questions adopt a scenario/case study approach.

Course Highlights

  • It is a 70-hour live intensive online training program spread over two months held in the weekends for finance professionals
  • Specifically designed course based on ACCA Dip IFR Examination
  • Our course materials are incorporated with maximum examples and lucid illustrations which will cover the syllabus and also help you apply IFRS in industry-specific scenarios
  • Highly technical session conducted by leading IFRS faculty
  • Detailed thorough sessions on ‘Big 3’ standards (IFRS 9, IFRS 15 and IFRS 16). Stay ahead of the game by gaining a comprehensive insight into these complex accounting standards
  • Journal entries, paragraph references, and effect on financial statements are illustrated in detail
  • Our unique pedagogy will arm you with skills needed to prepare IFRS compliant financial statements
  • Soft copies of training material and templates will be provided which will include case studies, worked examples, and session presentations
  • Unlimited clarification of queries is also offered till the examination date

Eligibility criteria

If you are a professional accountant or auditor who works in practice or business, and are qualified according to national accounting standards, then you are eligible to take the qualification. If you are working in practice, but not yet qualified, then you may still be eligible. You will need to prove that you have two years’ relevant accounting experience and hold a degree or CertIFR, or prove that you have three years’ relevant accounting experience. Proof of experience comes in the form of a letter submitted from your employer.

Who should attend

  • Chartered Accountants
  • Finance Managers
  • Financial Controllers
  • CFOs
  • Directors
  • Practicing CS, CMA, CPA, CWA
  • Heads of Accounting and Administration
  • Private equity and M&A specialists
  • IT Systems Managers
  • Financial Analysts
  • Auditors
  • Tax professionals
  • Treasurers
  • Consultants
  • Commerce graduates
  • Professors


All participants should have –

  • Understanding of basic accounting principles based on any national standards
  • Access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection

Teaching method

  • All standards shall be explained with numerical examples, case studies, and lucid illustrations
  • Greater emphasis will be laid upon practical scenarios pertinent to different industries
  • Deferred tax effects (tax implications) will also be shown


Dr. Amitabha Mukherjee is an IFRS / Ind AS trainer, international consultant and an author of great repute. He has been into full-time IFRS research since 2007 before he founded an online IFRS knowledge platform. His previous website on IFRS had more than 120,000 online users in 104 countries generating tremendous amount of appreciation from industry and academia around the world. Has trained numerous finance professionals on IFRS globally and assisted listed companies in their IFRS / Ind AS transition in India, South Africa, EU, Kuwait, Singapore etc. He was also the first author in India to write a book on Ind AS converged with IFRS in 2011. Before this, he was an academician and an author for the last 30 years.

Schedule and Fees

Batch starts from 22nd March, 2025

Days: Weekends (10 days)

Time: Saturday and Sunday (10 A.M. to 6.00 PM)

Fees:  INR 20,000 * (including training fees, study material, templates and taxes). This excludes the examination registration fee directly payable to ACCA.

*Early bird discount of 10% applicable to those registering before 10th March, 2025

*Group discount available for more than 1 nomination


  1. Registration is strictly on a first come first serve basis.
  2. For registration, kindly send an email to or SMS/Whatsapp on +91 99033 90576 with your name, designation, location, and contact number.
  3. Payment can be made by online “wire” transfer. We also accept cash/cheque/DD.
  4. After registration, we will provide you with our banking details and training schedule. Once the payment is completed, you will receive your learner ID, course materials, and other relevant information within 48 hours.

Download Brochure

Detailed brochure of ACCA Diploma in IFRS with programme overview and course structure.
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