We have researched and interpreted these high-quality complex accounting standards to elevate your Ind AS proficiency and enable you to become a global accountant. Our core experience and knowledge base are what separates us from the rest.


Our On-Demand Platform allows you to access these resources anywhere, anytime on any device for ultimate convenience

Think Tank

Comprehensive summary of the Standards written in a user-friendly language consisting of more than 1,000 practical examples and helpful illustrations. Enjoy free instant downloads and start your Ind AS learning!

Specially curated video lectures designed to simplify the complexities, and intricacies of Ind AS and their effect on financial reporting. Enhance your understanding through this immersive, expert-led content.

Ind AS 115 based on IFRS 15 brings about a radical change in a company’s business practice. The 5-step model, accounting principles and other aspects create a paradigm shift in revenue recognition. Learn more about this standard.

our Services


Our intensive training courses are aimed at providing a comprehensive insight on these complex accounting standards. The sessions are developed and structured in a way to equip finance professionals with complete know-how and skills to grasp, prepare and report Ind AS compliant financial statements.


We provide updated technical knowledge on all the latest amendments, interpretations of standards while analyzing policy and procedure differences. Tax implications are also evaluated.

Video learning

These video lectures will help you understand the standards in detail and gain practical knowledge by applying Ind AS in industry-specific scenarios through lucid illustrations, work through examples and case studies. Videos can be watched unlimited times. There is no restriction to the number of views.


We can implement Ind AS in your organisation through a range of consulting and financial reporting advisory services. Also offer assistance in integrating technical accounting standards such as on revenue and leases by conducting a thorough diagnostic review and putting into practice.


Our Online dedicated help desk to clarify your queries. Accelerate your learning 7x faster !

Got any question? Post your queries and receive answers within a few hours or call us on (+91) 99033 90576 to speak to our Research Associates

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